Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Every day is one day closer!

We have offically forged into the 3rd trimester of our pregancy and couldn't be more excited that every day brings us closer to the glorious day that we will get to meet our new little monkey! (Hence - the new layout! :)
Things are progressing along as planned - I had a doctor's appt. last week and the doctor said that everything looks good. I'm measuring a little bigger than normal - but c'mon...one look at his Grandpa Ed, his Uncle Seth and this little guys daddy...and you're surprised? LOL! Not to mention, I have thoroughly enjoyed my daily feasts thus far and am cringing at the thought of trying to get my pre-pregnancy body back...one day! Ha!
We attended our 3rd birthing class night and I can honestly say - wow! I think Justin and I both walked away with mixed emotions (good ones though) about everything! Excitement, anxiety, fear, joy,uncertainty...they're all wrapped into the next few months of our lives and we're on pins and needles waiting for it to start! We had the opportunity to do a quick tour of the hospital where we will deliver and we were both very pleasantly surprised at what we saw!
Justin painted the nursery last week (we left our little guy a hidden message behind the wall!) and we are getting ready for the baby showers at the end of this month. I can't wait to see it all come together! For a process that feels like forever, knowing that the last stretch is here (9 weeks and 5 days - not that I'm counting or anything!! ;) has begun and we are so thankful!
I will continue to keep you updated!
The Dorfs

1 comment:

  1. Andrew was going to be my name if I was a boy...coincidence?..are you trying to name your baby in my honor...that's sweet :)

    Love your new pictures! You look ADORABLE! Pregnancy really agrees with you :)

    Take Care..not much time now!
