Thursday, July 16, 2009

Something missing? :)

I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote - boy how time flies!! Not a whole lot new to report - just getting bigger and more cranky by the day! (I know that Justin would agree with a smile!)

So, a dear friend of ours posted all the things that she was thankful for during her most recent pregnancy! Anne - you know I love you dearly - but if you're reading this - here is my list of the things that I miss the most! ;)

A normal sense of smell - man, no one told I would be able to smell things a mile away! And, not always the good stuff!

Beer/wine - ahhhhh, my friend - I will be back soon, I promise! Laying by a pool or sitting by a camp fire in the middle of summer just doesn't feel right without you. I miss you!

Cute shoes - I swear if my feet get any more swollen, they may just pop. Flip-flops have become my best friend. Though, going without all together does feel awfully nice!

Feeling sexy and my pre-pregnancy body - it's amazing how much you don't appreciate what you had...until it's gone! :)

Emotional control - let's just say "tears 3 different times during the Hannah Montana movie with my niece." REALLY? I had to blame the salty popcorn!! Oh...and poor Justin...that's all I have to say.

Being included - gotta love the friends that still try to include you...but you begin to wonder - is it only for the 'designated driver' status that I hold? ;)

Diet coke - most people say caffeine-free diet coke doesn't taste different - but I'm starting to think otherwise.

No matter what I miss or how much I may long for it - I'd do it all over again and again because I know one look at this little guy and I will be head over heels in love - forever! just feels good to vent though... ;)