Monday, October 12, 2009

The Eviction Notice Has Been Served!!!

So, for the last 9 months, Justin and I have been living for Sunday, October 11th! A day in the history books for us!! The day that our lives would change forever...the day that we were going to look into the eyes of the most precious little boy that we've ever met...the day that we began a journey that would forever change us and our lives...and much to our surprise - IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! At least, not yet, it hasn't!! Our little Drew has decided it is much to comfortable for him inside his mama's womb and he is not ready to come out and meet the rest of this world! Ironically, his mama feels the complete opposite! :) While I know that there is no safer place for him (at least for now anyway!), I am so anxious and as equally uncomfortable! Justin walks around gingerly and winces as he looks at me and utters the words, "soon babe, soon!"

The good news is that we (Drew and I) had a Non-Stress Test this morning at the hospital and Dr. Gatt (we love him!!!) said that everything looks good and that the baby is resting nicely. I have another appointment on Thursday (should we still be playing this waiting game) with Dr. Johnson (we love him too!!) and if nothing is happening by then, we will come up with a game plan. The best news of all is that I can say with no uncertainty - I will not be sitting here in this same predicament two weeks from today! The docs have assured me that they will not let me go past two weeks overdue. This is fabulous news, right? :) Hey - give a girl a break - I'm trying to stay optimistic here!

For now, I'm still working (or at least showing up to the office!) so that I can use as much of my time off on the back end. Though, it's getting more and more difficult to not only get around but to find clothes that are suitable for the workplace and still fit! The weather has definitely turned here and for the most part, the only things that I have seem to be spring/summer appropriate. Flip flops just aren't cutting it anymore...unfortunately!
We are still waiting (seems to be a common theme in our house these days!) to hear whether or not we got the house in Hartland. We're keeping our fingers crossed and while things look good, you just never know with these situations. Regardless of where we end up, we decided not to do much decorating in his nursery (other than clean the carpets and throw on a fresh coat of paint!) but I have to say - I find myself just going in there and staring at all of his things! I just can't wait for him to be here!! I find a sense of peace in there right now...but imagine all of that will change in 'due' time! :) (clever choice of words, huh? LOL!)

BUT...for now, we just continue to wait!! We wait to feel more love than we ever thought possible!! We will wait for the most amazing day of our lives...and we wait to hold the most precious gift ever given to us!!

We will keep you posted!!!
We love you all!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Showered" with Love!!

First, I can't believe it's been so long since I updated our site - where does the time go?? My apologies for being so behind...I have been so busy getting things ready for our little monkey's arrival that the days turned into weeks and here we are at the end of September already! We can't believe he's going to be here in less than 3 weeks! YIKES!! How does one truly prepare for the biggest life changing event ever? With a baby shower - of course!! ;)

On Saturday, August 29th and Sunday, August 30th, Justin and I were humbled by the absolutely generous outpouring of love and gifts during both of (yep - that's right - 2 of them!!) our baby showers!! We have so many wonderful people in our lives that the festivities were split into two parts and we made it a weekend extravaganza!!! Both days were absolutely beautiful and we couldn't have wished for anything more (other than having the loved ones that are so far to be here with us, too!!) Needless to say, by Sunday evening I was so exhausted that I could barely move!

However, I'm happy to report that three weeks later, his nursery is almost completely ready and both of our bags are packed (sort of!) There is no mistaking that there is going to be a baby in our house very soon!! Poor Simon has no idea what to make of all of the new things - he's in for quite the shock!!

Well, there isn't much else for me to say...(I know - me at a loss for words? As if!) We're in the home stretch now and as ready as we'll ever be! I imagine that I will be updating this site very soon with pictures of tiny toes and fingers...and lots of happy tears!

We can't wait to share this journey with all of you!!

Until then - wish us luck!!!

The Dorfs!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Every day is one day closer!

We have offically forged into the 3rd trimester of our pregancy and couldn't be more excited that every day brings us closer to the glorious day that we will get to meet our new little monkey! (Hence - the new layout! :)
Things are progressing along as planned - I had a doctor's appt. last week and the doctor said that everything looks good. I'm measuring a little bigger than normal - but c' look at his Grandpa Ed, his Uncle Seth and this little guys daddy...and you're surprised? LOL! Not to mention, I have thoroughly enjoyed my daily feasts thus far and am cringing at the thought of trying to get my pre-pregnancy body day! Ha!
We attended our 3rd birthing class night and I can honestly say - wow! I think Justin and I both walked away with mixed emotions (good ones though) about everything! Excitement, anxiety, fear, joy,uncertainty...they're all wrapped into the next few months of our lives and we're on pins and needles waiting for it to start! We had the opportunity to do a quick tour of the hospital where we will deliver and we were both very pleasantly surprised at what we saw!
Justin painted the nursery last week (we left our little guy a hidden message behind the wall!) and we are getting ready for the baby showers at the end of this month. I can't wait to see it all come together! For a process that feels like forever, knowing that the last stretch is here (9 weeks and 5 days - not that I'm counting or anything!! ;) has begun and we are so thankful!
I will continue to keep you updated!
The Dorfs

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Something missing? :)

I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote - boy how time flies!! Not a whole lot new to report - just getting bigger and more cranky by the day! (I know that Justin would agree with a smile!)

So, a dear friend of ours posted all the things that she was thankful for during her most recent pregnancy! Anne - you know I love you dearly - but if you're reading this - here is my list of the things that I miss the most! ;)

A normal sense of smell - man, no one told I would be able to smell things a mile away! And, not always the good stuff!

Beer/wine - ahhhhh, my friend - I will be back soon, I promise! Laying by a pool or sitting by a camp fire in the middle of summer just doesn't feel right without you. I miss you!

Cute shoes - I swear if my feet get any more swollen, they may just pop. Flip-flops have become my best friend. Though, going without all together does feel awfully nice!

Feeling sexy and my pre-pregnancy body - it's amazing how much you don't appreciate what you had...until it's gone! :)

Emotional control - let's just say "tears 3 different times during the Hannah Montana movie with my niece." REALLY? I had to blame the salty popcorn!! Oh...and poor Justin...that's all I have to say.

Being included - gotta love the friends that still try to include you...but you begin to wonder - is it only for the 'designated driver' status that I hold? ;)

Diet coke - most people say caffeine-free diet coke doesn't taste different - but I'm starting to think otherwise.

No matter what I miss or how much I may long for it - I'd do it all over again and again because I know one look at this little guy and I will be head over heels in love - forever! just feels good to vent though... ;)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Well...a deep hole with water! :)

I just realized that I have started every one of these blogs so far with the word “well”…so, this time…I will certainly not disappoint and continue with tradition! :)
Well…(haha!) things are progressing along as planned with this pregnancy and while there isn’t really anything new to report, I’d thought I’d give you an update on what we’ve been up to lately!
I had a doctor’s appointment this past week and the doctor said everything looks great! Surprisingly (yes, that was sarcasm!) I am measuring a little big and the nurse believes that we may have a “BIG” baby on our hands! Ya think? LOL!! His heartbeat is really strong and he’s moving a TON! I keep teasing Justin that we may just have another “KICK-R” on our hands!! (inside joke for those of you that had the luxury of riding in the Probe back in the day!! Haha!)
Last weekend we started (note that I said STARTED!) our baby registry process. We walked into BabiesRUs and imagined that we’d only be there for a few hours. I mean, how difficult can this possibly be, right? LOL – to our surprise…the first item that we attempted to add to the registry (our travel system – stroller) took over an hour to pick out!! We collapsed and carried almost all of them around the store to see what worked, what didn’t, etc. – and even then, after we snagged a sales associate to help us with bedding and furniture, we decided to ask her advice on the stroller that we’d picked out...and needless to say…we deleted the one we selected and went with her recommendation! 4 hours later, we gave up with only 15 items on our registry! With the approval (and a huge smile of relief from Justin), I have decided to enlist the advice and guidance of my girlfriend who has been down this path before and allow her to ‘show me the way!’ We have yet to pick out a date…but she has graciously agreed to go back with me and help me add the items that we will need.

As an employee of the Walt Disney Company we have been tasked by the president of ESPN to commit to 30 hours of volunteer work over the course of this summer. And, I'm pleased to report that this past Friday, I swallowed a HUGE dose of reality by volunteering at Children's Hospital of Michigan and can not begin to express how much it put things into perspective for me. I often find myself complaining about being uncomfortable and having to pee every 10 minutes. Or, not having enough clothes to wear (maternity fashions are still extremely outdated!) but after spending 3 hours in the children's play area with some of these innocent little ones, I was humbled by their bravery. As a surprise for the kids, Mickey & Minnie joined us straight from the parks and lit up the faces of these little angels!! Ok, I can't lie - even a few of the adults in the room enjoyed the visit too! (see picture!) It was such a warm and comforting feeling to be part of something that, for a change, made these children feel like children again!! All in all, it was a VERY rewarding afternoon! I'm really looking forward to my next volunteer outing at the Detroit Institute for Children in July!
I guess that's all for now! Until the next time - I hope you're all enjoying the beginning of summer!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Most Magical Place on Earth...

Well, I'm happy to report that we have officially "dried" out from our most recent trip to Disney World - aka the most "magical place on earth" and made it home, safe and sound! :) As our luck would have it, Florida was experiencing horrible flood-like rains the entire time we were there - go figure! (We should have known that something was in store for us considering that our luck seemed to be headed south (no pun intended) 10 hours before we took off for the sunshine state when Justin came home from his Wednesday night hockey league (code for beer league!) holding his side and in severe pain! Little did we know, he had broken 2 ribs...but of course, we wouldn't find this out until the week AFTER we arrived home! Poor guy!)

Anyway, back to our we land at Orlando airport and head to the luggage carousel to get our bags. Ann's bag - check. Brad's bag - check. Justin's bag - check. Amie's bag...NADA. Strike #2!! My bag was held at Detroit Metro by TSA (which we later learn is NOT the case but Spirit Airlines!) and will arrive later that night, after they have had a chance to go through it! Who would have known that my smuggling maternity clothes would have made me a target? LOL!! Thankfully, the next morning, my bag arrived, disheveled...but unharmed!!!

The next 3 days were spent dodging rains storms at the theme parks, all while uncovering the newest fashions in Florida (see poncho photo to the right!) However, the entire trip wasn't a complete washout - we did manage to catch a few rays in the early part of each day and had a great time taking in the sites!
I was a little nervous that I would get tired easily (it happened!) and that the heat would be too much (also happened!) but thankfully, it gave us an excuse to stop and sample appetizers in just about every location possible! Ha! We had some amazing food @ an Irish pub in Downtown Disney, in Germany, Mexico & Morocco (@ Epcot), and this great little Italian place in Hollywood Studios.
Needless to say we had a FABULOUS time on our last "adult only" trip and are looking forward to taking our little munchkin back once he can enjoy it!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's a BOY!!!!!!!!!

Well, we officially found out yesterday that our little peanut is a BOY!! Can you believe it - another Dorf in the world!! Oh brother!! I was thoroughly convinced this baby was a girl - we had a name picked out, the nursery was starting to come together (thankfully, only in my mind! ha!), her first dance recital, her wedding day, the whole nine yards!! Then, the tech says so proudly - "well, this is your babys bottom and this is his scrotum and boy part!" OMG!!!! Of course, we both lost it and cried like I'm sure our little man will when he arrives, but I was in total shock! I'm happy to report though, 24 hours later - I'm 100% on board and can't wait to meet this little guy!! I'm still not sure how to be a "hockey mom" but I have been assured that it will all come in due time! :)

So, tomorrow morning we are headed to Orlando (DisneyWorld) with Ann & Brad! I can't wait to get out of here and enjoy the...sweltering heat and humidity!! LOL - ok, well, at least we won't have to work for a few days! I'm really looking forward to laying by a pool, in all my lovely roundness, and relaxing!!
That's all for now - HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My First Blog!

Well, here goes nothing!! I've officially gone from "challenged on the internet" (to put it lightly!) to fumbling my way through and creating our very own blog site! However, I must give credit where credit is due. One of my dearest friends began a blog for her family about two years ago and I use it often to keep updated on her busy life with 4 munchkins and a husband! Most recently, another dear friend of ours started one for her family...and I realized, if both of these women can accomplish posting to their blogs with such a hectic schedules, I sure as heck can try!

So...where should I begin? As most of you know we're expecting our first little one!! I can't even begin to describe the excitement that both Justin and I are feeling! This Sunday, I will be 18 weeks along and on May 19th, we get to find out the gender of our little peanut. I truly believe that this baby is a girl...of course, Justin thinks it's a boy (I think it's his wishful thinking more than gut feeling)...but, I guess one of us right and we'll soon find out! :) So far, this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful. I was nauseous 24/7 for the first 12 weeks but feeling pretty good since turning the "second trimester" corner.
We've decided to take advantage of the "good fortune" of me feeling great and take our last vacation as husband and wife - without a child! Two weeks from today we are heading to Orlando (DisneyWorld, here we come!) with our friends, Ann & Brad. It will probably be a relatively "tame" trip for me (no drinking or rides...why did we decide to go to an amusement park with a pregnant woman again??) but I'm really looking forward to the relaxation by the pool!!
It's still very surreal to me that in just 5 and 1/2 short months, our lives will turn upside down (in the best possible way) and that we're going to be someones parents (lord, help us!!) We're definitely up for the challenge and feel so blessed that we have been given this amazing gift!

Well, I think that's about all I can muster up for my first official blog! I will do my best to keep this entertaining in the future! Though, remember...cut a girl some slack - I'm a first-timer!! Good night to all!!