The good news is that we (Drew and I) had a Non-Stress Test this morning at the hospital and Dr. Gatt (we love him!!!) said that everything looks good and that the baby is resting nicely. I have another appointment on Thursday (should we still be playing this waiting game) with Dr. Johnson (we love him too!!) and if nothing is happening by then, we will come up with a game plan. The best news of all is that I can say with no uncertainty - I will not be sitting here in this same predicament two weeks from today! The docs have assured me that they will not let me go past two weeks overdue. This is fabulous news, right? :) Hey - give a girl a break - I'm trying to stay optimistic here!
For now, I'm still working (or at least showing up to the office!) so that I can use as much of my time off on the back end. Though, it's getting more and more difficult to not only get around but to find clothes that are suitable for the workplace and still fit! The weather has definitely turned here and for the most part, the only things that I have seem to be spring/summer appropriate. Flip flops just aren't cutting it anymore...unfortunately!

We are still waiting (seems to be a common theme in our house these days!) to hear whether or not we got the house in Hartland. We're keeping our fingers crossed and while things look good, you just never know with these situations. Regardless of where we end up, we decided not to do much decorating in his nursery (other than clean the carpets and throw on a fresh coat of paint!) but I have to say - I find myself just going in there and staring at all of his things! I just can't wait for him to be here!! I find a sense of peace in there right now...but imagine all of that will change in 'due' time! :) (clever choice of words, huh? LOL!)
BUT...for now, we just continue to wait!! We wait to feel more love than we ever thought possible!! We will wait for the most amazing day of our lives...and we wait to hold the most precious gift ever given to us!!
We will keep you posted!!!
We love you all!!